Putting Grand Island Families First.


As a conservative Republican and a strong believer in individual liberty and fiscal responsibility. I am committed to protecting the freedoms we hold dear and upholding the principles that make our state strong. I will never stop working for Grand Island families.

Meet Ray

Dear Friends,

It’s an honor to serve you in the Nebraska Legislature and represent the great people of Grand Island.

I’m a proud Nebraskan, just like you, with roots running deep in our community. I also believe in the American dream, and I want to ensure that every member of our community can achieve it. I come from humble beginnings, and I understand the value of hard work, family, and community support.

As your State Senator, my vision for Grand Island is one of unity and progress. I believe that by working together, we can build a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. I want to ensure that they have the same opportunities we have enjoyed, where we can know our neighbors, support our schools, and worship in our churches without fear.

As a conservative Republican and a strong believer in individual liberty and fiscal responsibility. I am committed to protecting the freedoms we hold dear and upholding the principles that make our state strong. While we must always be open to new ideas and perspectives, we must also defend the values and traditions that have made Nebraska the state we love.

As your Senator, I am dedicated to promoting strong families and strong communities. I believe that by investing in our schools, supporting our law enforcement and veterans, and creating jobs, we can ensure a bright future for Grand Island. I am also committed to finding solutions for meaningful property tax relief, lower taxes, and responsible state spending.

I am asking for your support in my re-election. Together, we can make Grand Island and Nebraska the best places to live, work, and raise a family for generations to come. Your vote and your involvement in this campaign are crucial in achieving this goal.

Thank you in advance for your support and for your vote. I look forward to the opportunity to continue to serve you and our Grand Island in the Nebraska Legislature.

Ray’s Track Record As Our Senator

  • As a father and grandfather, Ray has advocated for all children to receive a high-quality education, so they are equipped for success. He’s fully committed to K-12 education and fought for Grand Island’s fair share of state aid to keep our schools strong and to help hard working families, small businesses and seniors reduce local property taxes.

    As our Senator, he advocated for school choice and improvements to public K-12 education by investing in the future of our children by voting for LB583 - The Education Future Fund, that allocates $1 billion of state general funds during the 2023-2024 biennium and $250 million each year afterward. Senator Ray will always advocate improving the quality of education for our children, parents, and the taxpayers who pay for it.

    Senator Aguilar is working to ensure that our kids are being taught appropriate material that reflects our commonsense values. That’s why he opposed the proposed State Board of Education “health standards” which sexualize students and replace parental values with a radical view.

  • As your Senator, I promised you tax relief and that’s exactly what I delivered. That’s why I voted to cut and reform our tax code, including property, business, and income taxes to the lowest level in our state’s history.

    I voted to create the Property Tax Relief Fund to help lower the property tax burden on seniors, veterans, small businesses and working families and for tax reform bills that resulted in $1.7 billion in property tax relief, a 100% state income tax exemption for military retirement benefits, a childcare tax credit to families, and a 50% state income tax exemption for social security benefits by 2025.

    But the work is not done yet, property taxes are too high, and the valuation system of our property tax is out of control and must be changed. Lowering the property tax burden remains my number my number one priority.

  • Those who served and defended our freedoms deserve a strong voice. That’s why as our Senator, Ray worked hard to secure funding for the construction of the Nebraska Veterans Cemetery in Grand Island and voted to make military retirement benefits 100 percent exempt from state income taxes. He’ll continue to give our veterans a voice and the support they deserve in the Nebraska Legislature.

  • As a father and grandfather, and a previously endorsed candidate of Nebraska Right to Life, I am proudly pro-life and believe that life begins at conception. As your Senator, I supported the 12-week abortion ban that passed this session and will continue to do everything in my power to protect the sanctity of life.

  • I believe the Second Amendment is clear and should be defended every day. I was proud to co-sponsor and lead the fight to pass LB 454 - Nebraska’s original concealed carry bill and to co-sponsor the Constitutional Carry bill allowing Nebraskans to legally carry a handgun, either openly or concealed, without a license or permit.

  • “As Grand Island’s State Senator, Ray Aguilar puts families first. He’s invested in our children’s future by keeping Grand Island schools strong, protected parents’ rights, advanced a culture of life, and stood up for our law enforcement and veterans. “

    -U.S. Senator Deb Fischer

  • “Senator Aguilar has delivered results for Grand Island. Ray has worked to grow Grand Island’s economy, create good paying jobs, cut property, business, and income taxes. He’s a true conservative fighting for working families, seniors and our veterans in the Nebraska legislature."

    -Governor Jim Pillen

A Trusted Conservative Senator

Endorsed by Nebraska Conservatives We Trust

U.S Senator Deb Fischer

U.S Senator Pete Ricketts

Governor Jim Pillen

Congressman Adrian Smith

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